Saturday, April 16, 2011


Every fall I spend a week in Provincetown, at the tip of Cape Cod, in Masschusetts. Provincetown has a well-deserved reputation as the least accessible town in America. It's filled with houses built hundreds of years ago, and there are steps everywhere. It's a great place, but probably not so much for those who are physically disabled.

Provincetown is charming, but curbs and stairs are everywhere.
A rare ramp can be seen in this photo.

Want to know something wonderful about our wilderness areas? They're entirely accessible.Despite the hilly nature of our city, the paths are level and smooth and the small size of the gravel makes it relatively easy for people using wheelchairs.

There's one amenity that's not readily accessible, however: the playground at the beach.

In my next post I'll talk about Matt Pulsts' idea to make the playground accessible.

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