Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Celebration at the Lake

See here for Joshua Smith's article in On Common Ground.

Saturday saw the usual Memorial Day celebration at the lake-- the official opening of the beach, city-provided hamburgers and hotdogs, kayaks in the lake, a biplane flying overhead, and a parade.

I missed the parade, but the small of chargrilled beef drifting up from the lake got my interest and I got there--unlike last year, when I was tardy-- in time to eat.

The turnout was good.

In honor of those who died while serving in our armed forces, red, white, and blue was the theme of the day.

Considering the lake was still dry at Lakefest lake October, it was great to see everything back to normal.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Reading your blog, I feel like I am this sad faced forlorn person with nose pressed to the windowpane peeping in.
(giggle) can I be an honorary PineLaker if I work for my keep? I can take pictures….. Not good for much else… I would even pay if they sold yearly passes…
Sigh***... one day.

Dallas Denny said...

Well, hey, you are welcome to attend the various celebrations and dinners and to spend time at the lake. Just join one of the newsgroups and you'll know when things are happening.