Friday, December 16, 2011

Well, Not Really, Just Almost

"This is your one phone call? How am I gonna get you out of the slammer when I'm in New York?"

"I didn't really get arrested, but when I started to leave in my car there was a policeman. He shone his flashlight in my face."

"That's so you'd be blinded when he pepper sprayed you," I said.

"I told him the whole story," she said, "about the Miata and the airport and the safe and the key box and the outside key safe and the lost key and he let me go," she said.

"No doubt," I said. "Overexplaining is a great way to get the cops off your back. I think I read that in the Anarchist's Handbook."

So Rena happily got home without having to stop for fingerprinting, a booking photo, and a visit from the bail bondsman. Thank goodness!

I'm happy our police are on the job! Thank you, Pine Lake police force!


When I leave home I fill out a house watch report and list Rena as an authorized person, but when you get a phone call from a friend who says "I just got arrested!" it tends to be worrisome.

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