Friday, April 15, 2011


Faithful readers may have noticed the water level in the lake hasn't lowered in the past week and more. That's because the city is waiting until every I is dotted and every T is crossed before pulling the plug. City manager Phil Howland estimates the time needed to drain the remaining water at one week.

The dry bottom on the eastern half of the lake is wet again from tonight's rain, but it was looking pretty solid this week-- deceptively so, because when I stepped on what appeared to be caked soil I sank past my ankles.

It occurred to me today that the lake bottom is made of fine particulate matter-- silt-- that has been plenty wet for many years. That means at least a portion of the dry lake bottom may be quicksand.

Quicksand often appears solid, supporting leaves and small stones, but stepping in it can be deadly. I urge anyone who might be thinking of exploring the lake bed in the coming weeks to exercise extreme care. Bring a buddy and a rope, poke the ground ahead of you with a stick.

Maybe there's no quicksand, but maybe there is. Be careful!

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